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Sunday, February 17, 2013

Psoriazis treatment Sophrology for a mind-body harmony

what does psoriasis look like

Psoriazis and body harmony

Sophrology for mind  and body harmony, is somehow similar to Ericksonian and chinese therapy, of  which  the origin is greek, based on  relaxation, hypnosis and meditation . It therefore  cures both the body and the mind. How the patient  practicese it? He has to close  his eyes , controles his  breath, and lowers  muscles tone  and consousness.

The patient appears  to be  as if he is going to sleep. By doing so,many good results  start coming  out from  the practice .The stress becomes physically and  psychologically low. More than that , when the patient  concentrates  on the texure and the elasting of the skin  itching will be reduced as a psoriazis treatment . In fact , this healthy exercise  can be done  either  at home or at the doctor s.

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Psoriazis skin care Alternative therapies

home remedies for psoriasis

Skin care psoriazis alternative therapies

Many patients of psoriazis depend on alternative treatments as prescribed by a physician. As this kind of long term disease seems to be incurable, it is  intolerable for its sufferers to deal with  the  side effects of other medicines. !

Concequently , they prefer alternative  medecine without negative impacts , and also because this  treatment  concerns  both the body and the mind. So it  concerns  human being as a whole. The problem with this  medecine is that  it is considered  by some people  as a superstition. Furthermore, some products related to this skin care psoriazis treatment  are advertised in the internet  which raises doubt  about its effectivness. It is better then for patients  to be aware of the advertisement  of  certain herbal products  which may not be  useful  for health.

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However, Ericksonian  hypnosis and relaxation therapy deserve to be given  more importance , in the sense that  they can be used  to help reduce  psoriazis  disease and stress.

home remedies for psoriasis

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Some topical treatments may have side effects on psoriazis

Psoriazis side effects

         Like any medicament, some topical treatments  may have side effects like itchy skin, but not in a harmful manner. In case  of widespread disease in the body of the sick is persistent, localized or too extensive, local treatment  concerning aromatherapy for psoriazis can be prescribed in combination with systemic therapy. Emollients used  to moisturize skin diseases psoriazis like for instance ; brotchery dry skin ,skin cap psoriazis  , skin disease psoriazis,  and any symptoms psoriazis  skin disorder elastin collegen  that a human being can be prone to.

what does psoriasis look like

Itchy skin psoriazis

          Emollientes, as an  effective  medecine ,soften   the sore skin and  remove its  pain .This can lead to a complete  recovery of certain skin diseases. They are then  designed to keep water in the skin areas that are dry and rough and that are  affected by psoriazis. Furthermore ; they help reduce itching and scratching. An example of these medical products are fruit acid (AHA), which facilitates  the removal of  such celles.

 Aqueous creames  are another kind of  emollient that are light moisturizers and easy to be used as a treatment and applied  twice to three times a day .

       Most emollients may cause itching at first , but with no  worrying consequences. Bath can increase the effects of  the treatment in a satisfactory way, so before each application,  it is necassary to  have a bath  with clean water  free from limestone, below thirty seven  centigrade, and it should not  last more than  fifteen minutes .By doing this , moistering will give good results , preventing itching.

scalp psoriasis home remedies